オープニングスタッフ募集を中心とした飲食店の正社員/アルバイト求人情報サイト「求人飲食店ドットコム」 [更新:9月27日 21:16]

NEW 【 料理人 Chef 】あなたの厨房を持てます。35万円スタート・週休2日・週40時間・残業なし

「ヴィーガン居酒屋 のうえあ Vegan Izakaya Nowhere」の求人情報

[ ヴィーガンイザカヤ ノウエア ]
  • シニア・ミドル活躍
  • 駅チカ(徒歩5分以内)
  • オープニング
  • 個人経営
  • 小さなお店(20席未満)
▼お店データ [お店のサイト]
業態 全てのメニューがヴィーガンの居酒屋
客単価 4000円〜5000円 席数 15席〜20席
最寄駅 都営浅草線 本所吾妻橋駅より徒歩5分 東武伊勢崎線 とうきょうスカイツリー駅より徒歩6分
勤務地 東京都墨田区向島1-8-2 [地図]
定休日 未定
See その他 for English
See その他 for English




正社員 その他募集
正社員 月給35万円〜 Position [Chef]

Monthly salary 350,000 yen
Salary increase and bonus - Depends on business performance
Commuting allowance - up to 20,000 yen per month
1 month trial period
1 meal per shift inclusive
応募資格 Must have experience of cooking in a restaurant kitchen
Must be able to prepare and serve food efficiently
Must have good understanding of food and ingredients
Must have excellent hygiene standards
Must be an enthusiastic person with a passion for food
Must be able to tackle new challenges with imagination and ingenuity
勤務時間 14:00~23:00 (subject to change)
8 hours work per day, 1 hour break
5 days work per week
Exact schedule negotiable
休日・休暇 2 full days off per week
Annual paid vacations - in accordance with the Labor Standards Law
待遇 A positive work environment where labor laws and social insurance schemes are observed.
Overall kitchen management in a small vegan izakaya with seating for 20 customers.

Menu planning
Stock management
Cleaning and maintaining kitchen
Cooking and teaching recipes to other staff members
Other related duties

If you are interested, or have any questions, feel free to contact us.

<応募先>ヴィーガン居酒屋 のうえあ Vegan Izakaya Nowhere 正社員 その他の募集

お店の特徴 <全てのメニューがヴィーガンの居酒屋> ヴィーガン居酒屋 のうえあ Vegan Izakaya Nowhere

◇English version below Japanese◇












Across the world the idea that vegan food is somehow tasteless or unsatisfying is becoming a thing of the past. The rising popularity of vegan food has brought with it a huge range of delicious vegan restaurants and options, providing everything from green salads and rice bowls to more indulgent burgers and cheesecakes.

But Japan’s food scene, despite an influx of foreign visitors, and a rising domestic interest in vegan food, still has a little way to go. Which is why we are opening a vegan izakaya. We are aiming to serve up a delicious vegan version of the popular, comforting (and not particularly healthy), cuisine that accompanies a good night out in Japan.

The izakaya will be a cosy and cheerful, lantern-lit space, with seating for around 20 customers, where everybody, including those with dietary restrictions, can enjoy eating and drinking without hesitation.

The kitchen is a comfortable space where, working alone but with a view of the restaurant, you can comfortably control your environment, while serving up food that defies everybody’s expectations.

We are expecting this small restaurant to have a big public profile, providing a great opportunity for a chef who wants their skills to be noticed, and we are hoping for someone who will stick around, working alongside the owner, to ensure the izakaya’s ongoing popularity and success.

This is a workplace with an international perspective, where English and Japanese are spoken, and it will be run with proper consideration of the working conditions of all staff members.

If you are at all interested in what we are doing, please feel free to contact us. We are currently undergoing renovations, but you are welcome to just take a look around.

We look forward to hearing from you.
<応募先>ヴィーガン居酒屋 のうえあ Vegan Izakaya Nowhere
正社員 その他の募集
ヴィーガン居酒屋 のうえあ Vegan Izakaya Nowhere
ヴィーガン居酒屋 のうえあ Vegan Izakaya Nowhere [全てのメニューがヴィーガンの居酒屋]
本所吾妻橋駅より徒歩5分 とうきょうスカイツリー駅より徒歩6分
その他 月給35万円〜